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Fancy Restoring Your Smile? Dental Implants Could Be the Answer

Published: 24 February 2022

Suffering with a loose or missing tooth can become embarrassing, uncomfortable, and problematic. Missing teeth can lead to a lack of confidence, the inability to eat certain foods and speech can also sometimes be affected. All of these are good reasons why many patients seek a permanent solution.

Dental implants have become an extremely popular option for the replacement of missing teeth because they are the closest to being a natural and ever-lasting solution, giving quality of life back to thousands of people.

So What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are designed to mimic natural teeth and, as such, are made up of two parts. The implant itself acts as the replacement tooth root and sits unseen below the gum line, while the crown is the visible part and acts as the new tooth.

Dental implants are titanium posts or screws that are precisely embedded into the jawbone. They are made of strong materials that can withstand the force of chewing and biting and are also designed to integrate with one’s natural bone. This creates a strong and secure foundation for the new crown (the tooth section) to fit onto.

A new crown will be as strong and functional as it is beautiful and aesthetic. It will work exactly the same as a natural tooth would, completing your smile in a harmonious way.

At Clyde Munro, we work closely with our dental laboratories who craft the final crowns to ensure they match perfectly with your existing smile.

What Dental Implant Solutions Are Available?

Tooth implants can offer patients a wide range of solutions to suit their individual needs. Whether you require a single tooth replacement or a full mouth restoration, The highly experienced team at Clyde Munro can create the perfect treatment plan for you as an individual.

Single dental implants are a great solution if you have one missing tooth. In these cases, we can place an implant where the gap is, and a single crown will complete your smile.

If you have multiple missing teeth, there are more options. An implant-retained bridge may be suitable if you have missing teeth in one area. This is where a ‘bridge’ of crowns is placed on one or two implants. We also offer full arch implants where required, which is where your restorations are fitted onto four implants. This is an excellent solution for those who currently wear dentures or who face multiple extractions.

In addition, we can also use dental implants to secure dentures. In these cases, two dental implants are placed and your new dentures will securely fit onto them. The denture will still be removable for cleaning, but it provides a much more stable and cost-effective option than traditional dentures.

At Clyde Munro, we will always use as few implants as possible for your treatment. This ensures the best recovery time, helps to keep the overall cost down and ensures the final restorations are fully functioning and well supported.

How the Dental Implant Procedure Works

After your initial consultation for planning, the dental implant process is normally made up of three appointments. The first is where we take 3D scans that allow us to carefully plan your treatment. Our dental practices are equipped with handheld scanners so we no longer need to use traditional messy impressions.

Our patients greatly prefer this upgrade to the treatment process because it is far more comfortable and is a sustainable, eco-friendly option in comparison to messy dental putty.

Digital scanning also allows our dentists to plan the precise placement of the dental implants, and the shade and shape of the crown or denture, using advanced digital software. This is an excellent tool for creating beautiful and precise dental work.

Your second appointment is when we will place your dental implant. Our Clyde Munro dental practices are fully equipped with the latest technology to allow our dentists to carry out their work with maximum precision. This allows the implant to be placed accurately, for minimal trauma and faster recovery times. The treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic to ensure that you are always comfortable and pain-free. We are also able to offer full sedation if required.

During your dental implant recovery, you may notice some swelling and tenderness for a few days after the procedure. You will be able to manage this with over-the-counter painkillers and a soft food diet until things settle. This only takes a few days, and you can rest assured that if you have any concerns your Clyde Munro team will be able to help address them.

Once your dental implant, or implants, are placed, we allow a period of time for everything to heal. The new implant will integrate with the jawbone to create a secure foundation for your new tooth but it does take 12 weeks. In some cases, we can immediately place a temporary crown, or even a permanent crown, but your dentist will advise whether or not this is a suitable option for you.

After 12 weeks, you will come back to your Clyde Munro dental practice so that we can check the implant site and ensure everything has healed properly and is ready for your new dental crown. If it all looks good, we will place your beautiful new tooth and you will be able to enjoy your fully functioning smile once again. This is the last of your dental implant steps.

Dental Implant Aftercare

Dental implants are an investment in your smile and health, so they do require regular maintenance, just as natural teeth do.

As part of your dental implant aftercare, your Clyde Munro dentist will recommend how regularly you should visit for dental check-ups and hygiene appointments so that they can ensure that your dental implants remain stable, healthy, and fully functioning for the long term. They will provide personalised advice for home care as well, to ensure you maintain your overall oral health.

With the right dental care, your dental implants will last a lifetime, providing peace of mind and enhanced quality of life. If you think that these might be a solution to give you a better quality of life, why not call us today and we can see about booking you in for a consultation?

Find your nearest Clyde Munro Practice here.
