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Christmas Tooth Tips!

Published: 21 December 2017

The festive period is the perfect time for indulging in those little luxuries that we all hold dear, and for many of us, these involve plenty of sweet treats to tantalise the taste buds. At Clyde Munro, while we’re all for enjoying a bit of what you fancy, we are also highly aware of the damage that overconsumption of the sugary stuff can have on our teeth.

Of course, we would never suggest that you go without your favourite fancies, so here are a few pointers that you can try to follow to help reduce the impact that this super sweet time of year can potentially have on your teeth…

Ditch the selection boxes!

It’s tempting to hastily reach for sweets and chocolate for last-minute stocking fillers for the kids, but do try to resist. There will be so many treats for them to try- as well as the inevitable chocolatey gifts from granny- that it’s worth limiting the pile before it gets out of hand. If you’re stuck for ideas to fill up stockings that are a little lacking, opt for stickers, craft items, or books instead- children love these just as much and sweets, if not more!

Don’t graze

Between mealtimes, our mouths do an awful lot of work to remineralise the tooth enamel after it comes under acid attack from the foods that we eat. This is completely normal and natural but it takes time, which is why constant snacking and grazing can be detrimental to our oral health- let’s not even mention the waistline- as it does not give the body enough time to re-harden the protective tooth enamel. Be conscious of your snacking, try to stick to mealtimes as much as possible, and always wait at least an hour after eating before brushing your teeth.

Stick to a routine

Lazy lie-ins and late nights are all part and parcel of the festive fun we all have around this time of year. While it’s ok to slip out of the usual work and school routine, try not to let toothbrushing habits fall by the wayside too. If this is the only constant you keep, you’ll definitely thank us for it in the long run. In fact, you’ll probably find that you have more time to check on the kids’ brushing technique, so use this to your advantage to make sure their regime is up to scratch!

Check your consumption

With parties and general merriment galore around this time of year, it’s easy to lose track of alcohol consumption, and even non-smokers may be tempted to partake in the odd cigarette here and there. We don’t want to be party poopers but it is worthwhile keeping an eye on how much you’re drinking and smoking because these are known risk factors for mouth cancer.

When all is said and done, these are simply nuggets of advice that can help you to look after your oral health during the Christmas period. However, the bottom line is that we hope you all have an amazing time, with plenty of festive fun all round! Merry Christmas from all of us at Clyde Munro!


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